About my Celtic Shamanic Healing Practices
Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves and the planet." - Thich Nhat Hanh
What is shamanic healing?
Shamanic healing is an ancient healing practice that uses the energies of nature and spirits to help clients gain clarity and take steps towards self-healing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Shamanic healers act as mediators between the client and the spirit world, using various techniques to help the client access their own inner wisdom. Shamanic healing helps the client to heal emotional imbalances, spiritual disconnection, remove energy blockages, clear pathways and bring inner connection. Shamanic practitioners work with the energies and spirits of the natural world to facilitate healing, often using plants, herbs, and other natural remedies to support the body's natural healing processes.
​ Celtic Shamanic Healing with Susan
During the session I enter into an alternative state of being and channel universal energy. I walk between the worlds of the unseen and journey to hear the voice of your soul and gather the messages awaiting to be heard. I am shown your inner landscapes and soul-full messages. Through imagery and symbolic representation I gather your messages shown to me from the natural elements, colours, and flora and fauna energies that help with mind, body and soul wellbeing. During consultation I relay these soul-full messages to you so that you can gain insight, clarity, validation, perspective and spiritual healing. The messages I relay to you not only assist with your healing but also encourage the continuation of self-care healing.
Reach out to me if you are seeking spiritual counsel and we can work together to create a self-care management plan and deep healing practices.
Price List
Full Shamanic Healing
Cost: £55.00 (in person & online)
Time: 1 hour
Opening ritual within the four guardians. Sweeping of sacred space with earth, air, fire and water cleansing. and channeled spiritual healing directed at key points on your physical body: head, shoulders, hands, knees and feet. This filters through to your spiritual body. Sacred closing ritual to ensure spiritual grounding, and healing protective energy to encourage inner balance and state of wellbeing.
Throughout the healing I will receive channeled messages for you which I will pass onto you during our closing consultation.
Aura Cleanse with Soul-full Healing + 7 Chakra Reading.
Cost: £55.00 by in person
Time: 1 hour
I work with the elements of earth, air, fire or water to cleanse your aura. Channel universal energy for gentle healing to re-energize your main 7 chakras, and then complete the session with consultation.
Enhances wellbeing and clearing stagnant and unresponsive energy for balancing, grounding and making way for inner wellbeing.
Egg Cleansing Ritual with Pendulum Healing
Cost: £35. 1 to 1 in person
Time: 45 minutes
​Egg cleansing is a spiritual and symbolic practice used by energy healers for centuries in many cultures. The egg cleansing is to absorb and remove any stagnant and obstinate energy which allows energy to flow unobstructed and shift motivation.
Once the egg cleansing has finished, the egg is broken into the previously prepared water and consult with you any messages within the patterns.
Elemental Aura Cleanse + Healing.
Cost: £25. 1:1 in person
Time: 30 minutes
ELEMENTAL AURA CLEANSE. I use natural elements of earth, air, fire and water to cleanse and unblock your aura enhancing wellbeing and clearing negative energy for balancing. and inner sense of well-being. I channel universal energy to provide gentle healing and grounding. Provides deep relaxation